Archive for May, 2010

Camera Cord

Posted in Intro to PR on May 25, 2010 by mrtarplin

So I’ve been back in ellenwood for a full week and i’ve been enjoying myself and catching up with old friends. I finally got used to grabbing my digital camera when im on my way out the door so i can take pictures. Its inconvenient to carry around for a guy, but its easy to leave in the car until its time to take pictures.

I would still prefer a girl to carry her digital camera and tag me in the pictures she takes, but i guess sometimes if you want the memories you’re responsible for capturing them. I had some old pics on my camera too and i had no clue where my cord was to upload the pictures, but i found it the other day. So now its about the inconvenience of having to upload each individual pic onto picnik and resize them before i can make an album on facebook.

I’ll do it eventually, but im in no hurry. Other than that, the only real news it that i started reading a book for leisure that i found out was actually being useds as a required reading text for a class at Georgia State… I laugh at them cause iRep The Real GSU! but i guess if you can’t Fly Like An Eagle you should prowl like a panther? GaState #EpicFail

Go Eagles! #Thatisall!

Graduation ’10

Posted in Intro to PR on May 9, 2010 by mrtarplin

I went to the commencement ceremony yesterday to see some of my friends for the last time for a while. It was pretty hot out, but i was able to maintain my cool by standing in the shadows of some trees. This year there were a lot more people than there were last year and i didnt like that. I dont mind there being a lot of people at graduation, but last year there were more girls in summer dresses and it was like a dream. This year was a lot more random people who just looked like they didnt really expect to be at graduation until they found themselves at the gate.

I usually expect people to at least wear a linen suit or a polo, but i saw folks in white t’s, basketball shorts, and i half exected to see someone walk by in pajamajeans :-/  last year seemed much more formal and appropriate and i liked the crowd better. while imequally proud of the accomplishments of both graduating classes, i gotta say the commencement of ’09 was exponentially better than ’10.